Traveling with Oxygen

Traveling with oxygen requires a little extra planning, but can be done! Contact your
doctor’s office for a copy of your oxygen prescription and call your medical equipment
company to have oxygen delivered prior to your departure. Changes in altitude and
climate can affect your breathing, so make sure you discuss your travel plans with your

By Car
• DO NOT smoke or let anyone else smoke in the car.
• Open the windows a crack so air can circulate.
• Place liquid oxygen unit upright on the floor, or on the seat beside you. Secure it as best you can. (Try using the seat belt.)
• Put extra oxygen units behind the seat. Do not put them in the trunk!

By Bus or Train
• Call the carrier in advance and tell them you’re traveling with oxygen.
• You can likely take your own oxygen on board.
• You may have need to show a copy of your prescription first.

By Plane
• Call the airline well in advance. Certain airlines may allow you to bring an approved concentrator. For a fee, some airlines may supply you with oxygen for use during flight.
• Arrange for oxygen to be delivered to your destination, and any layovers.
• Airlines supply oxygen only while you’re in the plane – not in the airport.

By Ship
• Call the cruise line ahead of time. Tell them you will be traveling with oxygen.
• Be prepared to provide a letter from your doctor, a copy of your oxygen prescription, and any other paperwork that’s requested.
• Arrange for oxygen units to be delivered to the cruise ship.

NOTE: If you are traveling to an area with high altitudes, it will be more difficult for you
to breathe. You should always discuss any concerns with your doctor, physical therapist, or respiratory therapist before traveling.

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